Sacred Geometry &
the Geometries of Love
All is energy; All is vibration; ALL is frequency; ALL is Geometry!
“We are a 'field phenomena' – a cosmic field of perpetual structured motion. ALL is connected by these motions, the intelligence of technological systems and mathematical shapes. We are cosmic human, cosmic life, made manifest by cosmic geometry.” Antonia Albano
Geometry is defined as 'earth measure'. Geometry brings forth the unseen into the seen. Everything that is manifest comes with mathematical equations. This geometry reveals both the nature of form (equation) and the frequency at which it vibrates. Sacred Geometry is associated with the belief that GOD is the Grand Geometer of the universe. It is a study of the great mysteries and the great design of all creation. Sacred Geometry is the belief and/or recognition that all geometry emerges through the principle of oneness and thus by aligning/connecting/communicating with these visual shapes/equations, we are more consciously connected with the blueprint of all creation, the inseparability of all life ...connected to the sacred foundation of all creation. By aligning with a specific shape, a motion, specific color and/or sound, the eternal aspect of ourselves recognizes itself in creation and makes an internal shift.
“We live in a patterned universe based on Divine Patterns of Creation known as sacred geometry: from the un-manifest to the manifest from the micro to the macro. These patterns are mostly unseen by us. Everything is in motion, vibrating, pulsating, oscillating, creating form. Depending upon the vibrational field and its frequency, different patterns and shapes are created. This is how the un-manifest is made manifest.” Antonia Albano
Evolution has to date been mostly un-conscious. It is believed that humanity is at the stage of evolution, where we are being invited and capable of, consciously helping to direct our evolution by what we choose to align with, study, read and surround ourselves. By aligning ourselves more consciously with higher frequencies, thought, word and deed, we help to create and build our Temple from the inside out, to create new neuro-pathways, re-structure our internal systems and create a 'vessel' capable of running higher frequencies, higher intensity of those frequencies and for a longer period of time. We are creating a new earth, a new Jerusalem, a new human. We are creating heaven on earth by “conscious acts of loving kindness with no expectation of personal gain or reward”. In doing so, by recognizing our connectedness, we intentionally help others reach their potential ...because we can. As we recognize that we are indeed ONE with all life and the universe, a condition that can only be Omni-Love arises. This is 'evolutionary love' and these Geometries of Love promise to offer you this amazing gift! Embody these frequencies to open to who you really are! LOVE - PURE LOVE!!
Geometries of Love
In 2004, Antonia began to draw shapes that have since focused her life and if one chooses to invite and allow them, can impact and shape our lives and all life as we know it. With each geometry came a beautiful, gentle yet powerful, palpable energetic message as to its purpose.
Over the next 8 years 6 more geometric shapes, new to this earth plane, presented themselves to Antonia. These shapes, with motion, color and sound, together formed a family called the Geometries of Love ...sacred technologies for the new millennium. Each is magnificent and important in their own right yet synergistically these 6 geometries evolved into the magnificent generator that is The Unified Field System for the Next Octave of Love, the Next Octave of Human!
The “driver” of all the geometries is the golden ratio aka Divine proportion, golden mean, utilized in an infinity symbol, the Golden Infinity – the 1st time the “quality of the physics” has been honored in this format. In this format it creates a potent creation field the scope of which is continuing to unfold.
Sometimes the geometries gestated for up to 1.5 years until the 'intelligence' said it was ready to be introduced to the world. While each was gestating minor shifts in Antonia's understanding, more clarity in its name or expansion in purpose were noticed. Sometimes little information was given at the onset. Sometimes pages of information were given. What is called the Golden Dancer or Divine Consciousness, is about the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, the play between opposites: light/dark, creation/destruction, father/mother, transcendence/eminence, coming into a harmonic balance, a state of Divine Union.
These amazing geometric forms can heal the “original pain” of separation from the Source of all creation and activate your conscious re-connection with your true state of being ...LOVE.
These are truly living, breathing, infinite density of potential geometries offering humanity an incredible journey into the expanded realms of love, “beyond your cognition”, with sacred geometry for the new human.
“The outcome of Antonia’s vision and her dedication to it has resulted in masterpieces of art that are highly practical in the world in which we live. She has combined highest intent, geometric technology and motion into something that is far more than the sum of its parts. We seem to be dabbling with the core of creation – motion and the infinite density of potential. We are brave when we dare to push open the outside door and jam our foot in it. What awaits us ...”
The Platonic solids are considered to be the building blocks of all organic matter on Earth. If the information Antonia has received is correct, the Geometries of Love will join the Platonic solids as building blocks of a higher evolved life, “beyond your cognition”, for ourselves and those that come after us. Antonia has seen these new geometries on the vertices of the Platonic solids infusing them with a higher frequency of love. We will be taking these more highly evolved building blocks of all organic matter with us to the new Jerusalem!
YES! The Geometries of Love belong in this company...
“These are equivalent to the Platonic solids and vital for the creation of this next octave of love, this next octave of human, this newly forming heaven on new earth.”