“The outcome of Antonia’s vision & her dedication to it has resulted in masterpieces of art that are highly practical in the world in which we live. She has combined highest intent, geometric technology & motion, into something that is far more than the sum of its parts. We seem to dabbling with the core of creation - motion & the infinite density of potential. We are brave when we dare to push open the outside door & jam our foot in it. What awaits us...”
“... I believe Antonia is co-creating the birth of an entirely new vibrational ‘strain’ that is clearly funding a higher frequency than we have seen before; the power of love in action, expressed in the physical world through the multi-universal language of mathematics... All things can be measured and expressed through mathematics as everything in the universe is a reflection of Divine perfection and Intelligence... ”
“ Your (sculpture) work does something I have never seen before. It bridges the highest understanding of sacred geometry with the beauty & elegance of physical form ...Your “Expanding the Human Energy Field” work is truly from the future. It is rare when a technique is open enough to allow its core effectiveness to shine. Yours does a thousand-fold! I really resonated with the re-vectoring of our chakra system and am recommending it to select clients ready for their own future. ”
Come experience a retreat with Antonia Albano.
““I have been to many spiritual retreats in various places: Hawaii, California, Spain, Mexico, to name a few. This retreat was by far the most impactful I have ever experienced ...we were very far out and in another kind of world but also very connected to the earth.” ”